“And the further he went, the longer was his way back”

“en hoe verder hij ging , des de langer was zijn terugweg ~ CSS Crone”

This little poem is on the building at Utrecht Station (netherlands) and in english it means:

“And the further he went, the longer was his way back”

And this made me think about how easily we travel to far down a  path, and at some point we realize that we might not want to be there but we have gone so far down that it seems so hard to travel back. This could be applied to a career, relationship, a habit or even a lie.

“To be able to look back on ones life in satisfaction , is to live twice ~ Kahlil Gibran”

Sometimes we hide

Sometimes we hide
Behind work
Behind busy schedules
Behind a beer
Behind a smoke

To afraid to face ourselves
What we have become
To afraid to face our feelings
To afraid to feel

We hide our sadness
Our despair
Our uncertainty
Our weaknesses

Behind brave faces
Behind fake smiles
Behind half truths

Convincing ourselves of what we are
Where we are
Who we are
What we have
What we have become…is good
Is enough
Is it good? Is it enough?

Do we need some time to come out of hiding and face that what we feel?

Yolo xx

Grateful is my soul today

When I look at you

I see in your eyes


a Brother


When I look at you

I see in your eyes


a Lover


When I look at you

I see in your eyes


a Loved One


all far to soon


When I listen to you

I hear the


of All the things said


When I listen to you

I hear the


of all the things never said


When I listen to you

I hear the


of all the things we hide


all far to late


Grateful is my soul today

For all the things that my Heart it let go

For all the things my Heart forgives

For all the things my Heart accepts



What we don’t know

Tell me what you love

Tell me what you eat

Show me your home

Teach me a prayer


Your prayer


Come and see what I love

Come and see what I eat

Let me show you my home

Let me teach you a prayer


My prayer


Where you are from

Is not your fault

Where I am from

Is not my fault


But where we go

That is a decision


What we know

Is only what we have been taught


What we teach our kids

That is the lesson


Let us not take

Let us not break


Let us give

Let us build


Let us not follow examples set

Let us lead, setting the example


~To all the students in SA fighting for free education~

Let it go

I always think that I can manage, that I will be OK. The easiest way to move on from something is to admit that there is nothing you can do about it!! I mean somethings just is what it is. And you have to put on your big girl panties and deal with it, and move through it, and come out the other side … with what seems like perfect make up and wonderful tips on how you do it! 

I think our brains is so good to our hearts somedays..it takes all the crap and files it in file 13 (which is the dustbin) so that we can make it trhough the hard times without our hearts breaking! And we can be there with feeling! We need our hearts intact, this way we can feel, love, emphatize and care. 

But this is also how we are able to let go. Those times when our hearts keep clinging to pain and hate, our brains knows to let it go